Saturday 23 October 2010




Grandpa Christopher most likely worshipped here; it’s the closest church to Hilton – maybe a mile or less down the road.




Our ancestors probably rest here…


We'll Meet Again In Paradise

By Christopher Gelder

I'm looking back; in dreams I see
My native land across the sea:
I see the house that was my Home
Before my feet had learned to roam.
I stood again at Mother's side
Before she crossed the great "Divide,"
She whispered, ere she closed her eyes:
We'll meet again in Paradise.

I'm looking back o'er fifty years;
I see an orphan boy in tears:
Beside a grave I see him stand,
Things seemed so hard to understand --
The body lies beneath the sod,
The spirit must return to God --
And those who win the Heavenly prize
Will live with Him in Paradise.

Where is this place where Spirits blest
Shall find at last Eternal rest?
Far, far away, the lad was told
A city lies, with streets of gold:
There angels live in mansions fair,
And we shall find our loved ones there,
Far, far away -- beyond the skies --
We'll meet again in Paradise.

I'm looking back; -- a strange unrest
Had started in that orphan's breast.
He bade farewell to friends and Home,
A Pilgrim now, o'er earth to roam.
He started out to cross the sea
That stretches to "Eternity,"
And severed all his earthly ties
To find the Gates of Paradise.

Upon the deck I see him stand,
The ship had left his native land.
Old things had passed, and this is true
All things about him now are new.
He watched the motion of the ship --
He loved to feel it rise and dip:
And sang -- beneath the peaceful skies,
I'm on my way to Paradise.

I'm looking back; -- through fog and rain,
The ship sailed on across the main; --
When storms in fury did descend,
He longed to reach his journey's end;
And sometimes, from the highest crest
Of mighty billows -- scanned the West,
And tried to see through longing eyes
The "mountain tops" of Paradise.

I'm looking back: -- the storm has passed,
The ship glides on in peace at last; --
The evening seemed so very grand --
I thought we must be nearing land.
The Stars were shining, oh, so bright!
They filled the Pilgrim with delight --
He wondered if those starry skies
Were window lights in Paradise.

Some day, the ship will gently sail
Into a Port beyond the veil: --
No more to sail upon the deep,

And I shall close my eyes in “Sleep.” 
And I shall hear the trumpet blown
Upon the "Resurrection morn"
And when I o'pe' my wondering eyes
"We'll meet again in Paradise."


Richard and Jane Horn – are they relatives? Very likely. Christopher’s mother’s name was Hannah Horn. In any case, surely Grandpa Christopher knew Richard and Jane before he sailed for America in 1891, nine years before these Horns passed on in 1900.


We have Atkinsons, and we have Rudds in our family.



1 comment:

  1. Hi Mary,

    I am looking at all of these photos that you took of the Westmorland area. What a magnificent job you did of photographing the area and including poems from Gpa Christopher Gelder. I looked at the names on the tombstone, and realized that we have the name Dent in our family lines also, which I'm not sure you are aware of. Thank you for doing all of this! Love, T
